Welcome to Class! How do you turn in Lab#2

  • Let's treat today like a "Monday"
  • Set your week up for Success - Be sure to fill in President's Day and Teacher Inservice Day for Monday and Tuesday
  • Work at your own pace, however, Lab #2 & Lesson 2 should be complete.
  • Continue to Cycle over to FCC as needed


"...for those who work in science or technology or who are going to take a job in a field related to or highly infused with STEM, I did some interesting calculations for my research. Based on the rate at which knowledge is increasing and the rate at which knowledge is decaying, I calculated that about 15 percent of what we know today is likely to be relevant in five years.

Okay, and that is not the number fifty—that is the number fifteen, as in between 10 and 20 percent. And here is the kicker: we don’t even know which 15 percent this is..."

~Liz Wiseman