Welcome to Web Design & Development 1
Mrs. LaMarche | Room S3 | lamarchesa@tfsd.org


Week 16 | April 22nd - Week 20 | May 22nd

Welcome to Class!  Finals Week


Tuesday, May 21
(Breakfast will be served)
1st Period: 8:05 – 9:40
2nd Period: 9:45 – 11:20
Lunch: 11:20 – 12:10
(School lunch will be served)
3rd Period: 12:15 – 1:45
4th Period: 1:50 – 3:25

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Welcome to Class! 

  • Please continue to work on FCC
  • Write detailed progress to include artifacts in your "What I Did Today" Section of your portfolio
  • If you have completed the Responsive Web Design please move onto another Cert

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Welcome to Class! 

  • Please continue to work on FCC
  • Write detailed progress to include artifacts in your "What I Did Today" Section of your portfolio
  • If you have completed the Responsive Web Design please move onto another Cert

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Welcome to Class! 

  • Please continue to work on FCC
  • Write detailed progress to include artifacts in your "What I Did Today" Section of your portfolio
  • If you have completed the Responsive Web Design please move onto another Cert

Friday May 2nd Assembly Schedule:
1st Period 8:05-8:40
2nd Period 8:45-9:20
3rd Period 9:25-10:00 (Dismissal to Assembly by Drum Corps)
Assembly 10:10-11:40
4th Period 11:50-12:25
Lunch 12:25-1:25
5th Period 1:30-2:05
6th Period 2:10-2:45
7th Period 2:50-3:25

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Welcome to Class! 

  • Please continue to work on FCC
  • Write detailed progress to include artifacts in your "What I Did Today" Section of your portfolio
  • If you have completed the Responsive Web Design please move onto another Cert

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Week 15 | April 15th - April 19th

Welcome to Class!

  • the origin story of this assignment | SAD
  • workplace ready PRE TEST
  • when you complete the pretest please work on cert prep or manage your time as needed - there are a lot of correct answers. Please be autonomous.
  • we want to make sure everyone has a chance to take the pretest before we cover content
  • please place the results to your post-test (we will take post-test next week) in your portoflio

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Welcome to Class!

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WELCOME TO CLASS!! - Please start @ the computers

  • Please create your week 15
  • For full Points, please be sure to add the correct dates & provide the LINK to the FCC stage you are at
  • No new labs or lessons.
  • Go Time! Get that Cert!

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Week 14 | April 8th - April 12

Welcome to Class!

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Early release Monday - Please start at the computers! 

  • create your new log
  • cycle to cert prep or 80/20 as needed

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Week 13 | April 1st - April 5th

Welcome to Class!

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Welcome to Class!

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Welcome to Class!

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WELCOME TO CLASS!! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche - She is with her daughter who has surgery today. 

  • Alternate Schedule | Whole School Assembly Schedule
  • For daily full Points, please be sure to add the correct dates & provide the LINK to the FCC stage you are at
  • No new labs or lessons.
  • Go Time! Get that Cert!
  • LEVEL UP - Check out what a cloud engineer does. ➡️

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WELCOME TO CLASS!! - Please start @ the computers

  • Please create your week 13
  • For full Points, please be sure to add the correct dates & provide the LINK to the FCC stage you are at
  • No new labs or lessons.
  • Go Time! Get that Cert!

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March 25th - March 29th

Week 12 | March 18th - March 22nd

Good Luck Seniors! - Senior Project Presentations. No School for Freshman, Sophomores or Juniors.

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Welcome to class! Now that we have pivoted to exclusive FCC, how do we share "What I did Today" 

  • Quick discussion on JUST ASK
  • Mrs. LaMarche will be out tomorrow - HAPPY SPRING BREAK
  • Quick mid-term meetings!

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Early Release Monday - EVERYONE IS MEETING IN S3

  • please create your week 12 progress log
  • continue to work on Cert Prep

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Week 11 | March 11th - March 16th

Welcome to Class!  Independent Work on FCC  Wed - Fri

    • no new lessons (thank you for the feedback) Lets focus on just FCC
    • Remember,  your RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN certificate is due at the end of the Semester.
    • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today"

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Welcome to Class!!

  • Continue with your Week 11 ""What I did Today" section - for full points please indicate not only progress but specific takeaways
  • Quick Discussion on 80/20 projects

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Welcome to Class!! 

  • Start your Week 11 log - on a new page
  • See EXAMPLE portfolio for details
  • continue to work on FCC

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Week 10 | March 4th - March 8th

Welcome to Class!! Please start @ the computers

  • Last fork for Lesson #3 | SEE ALL FORKS
  • A picture resource from Creative Commons is Openverse, which has a built-in attribution generator
  • Remember, use the Attribution generator, if you are using other opensource image resources
  • Other free and open-source options for pictures include, but not limited to: Pexels | Pixabay | Pikwizard
  • Cycle over to FCC if you complete Lesson 3 - Remember,  your RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN certificate is due at the end of the Semester.
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today"

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Welcome to Class!! Please start @ the computers

  • Last fork for Lesson #3 | SEE ALL FORKS
  • A picture resource from Creative Commons is Openverse, which has a built-in attribution generator
  • Remember, use the Attribution generator, if you are using other opensource image resources
  • Other free and open-source options for pictures include, but not limited to: Pexels | Pixabay | Pikwizard
  • Cycle over to FCC if you complete Lesson 3 - Remember,  your RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN certificate is due at the end of the Semester.
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today"

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Welcome to Class!! How do we write the code to provide attribution? 

  • Last fork for Lesson #3 | SEE ALL FORKS
  • A picture resource from Creative Commons is Openverse, which has a built-in attribution generator
  • Remember, use the Attribution generator, if you are using other opensource image resources
  • Other free and open-source options for pictures include, but not limited to: Pexels | Pixabay | Pikwizard

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Welcome to Class!! What is attribution?  How do we provide attribution?

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Week 9 | February 26th - March 1st

Welcome to Class!! 

  • Bruin Bonus Days!
  • Team building or get caught up on classes

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Welcome to calls! How do you create navigation from one page to the next?

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Welcome to class!! Start @ the computers and continue to work on Lesson 3.

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Welcome to Class!   What is Emmet?  Why do developers use tools to make their life easier?

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Week 8 | February 19th - February 23rd

Welcome to Class!  -  Please start in the Robotics/Esports Room

  • Quick discussion on creative commons and digital rights management. Lab#3 will be posted next week
  • Work on YOUR next lesson!
  • Cycle over to FCC as needed

Status Check - TO BE ON TARGET: 

  • Lessons Complete | Lesson Zero, 1 & 2
  • Labs Complete | Labs 1 & 2
  • FCC Progress - at least 60% Complete
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  • Please complete Lab#2. On the lab example page, there is an example of Lab#2 - completed.
  • Take a moment to see the example Lab#2 as needed.
  • Cycle over to Lessons 3 or FCC

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Welcome to Class! How do you turn in Lab#2

  • Let's treat today like a "Monday"
  • Set your week up for Success - Be sure to fill in President's Day and Teacher Inservice Day for Monday and Tuesday
  • Work at your own pace, however, Lab #2 & Lesson 2 should be complete.
  • Continue to Cycle over to FCC as needed


"...for those who work in science or technology or who are going to take a job in a field related to or highly infused with STEM, I did some interesting calculations for my research. Based on the rate at which knowledge is increasing and the rate at which knowledge is decaying, I calculated that about 15 percent of what we know today is likely to be relevant in five years.

Okay, and that is not the number fifty—that is the number fifteen, as in between 10 and 20 percent. And here is the kicker: we don’t even know which 15 percent this is..."

~Liz Wiseman

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Week 7 | February 12th - February 16th

Welcome to Class! What is Creative Commons? Quick Watch How many image types are there? Quick Read


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Welcome to Class!  - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche - Hour of Code Engineering

  • Work on YOUR current lesson
  • Cycle over to FCC as needed
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio, all the great progress you are making.

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Welcome to Class!  - Please start at the Tables in the Robotics/Esports Room



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Welcome to Class! - Start at the computers

  • Welcome to WEEK 7!
  • This semester has been FLYING BY!!
  • Please take a few moments to start your week 7 "What I Did Today" - section. Please make sure its up at the VERY top of the page
  • Continue to work on Lessons or FCC


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Week 6 | February 5th - February 9th

Welcome to Class - please start at the computers. Mrs. LaMarche will be at a Conference Wed - Fri 

  • Lab #1 should be complete by Friday. Remember to share your copy with lamarchesa@tfsd.org and display your assignment on your lab's page.
  • Lessons Zero - 5 are now open. We will go over the code for each Lesson in class. However, please answer key questions and review new parts of code.
  • Cycle over to FCC as needed. You will need to complete, at minimum, RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN certification with your final portfolio
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio, all the great progress you are making.

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Welcome to Class - please start at the tables - Quick EOC discussion. You're taking the EOC every day!

  • Take EOC [pretest only]
  • Example Rubric - The rubric for the Final EOC Portfolio will be presented 1 week before the EOC
  • Example "80/20 Lab" - We don't always know what problem needs to be solved or who may need technical assistance
  • Cycle over to FCC or Lessons
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio, all the great progress you are making.

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Welcome to Class!  Please start @ the computers. Create your wk 6 section of your "What I Did Today"

  • Cycle over to FCC
  • Work to complete Lab #1
  • Work on Lesson 1 or 2



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Week 5 | January 29th - Feb 2nd

Welcome to class!

  • Mobile Idaho - QUICK SHARE OUT
  • More on Tim Berners-Lee
  • After today you will have everything you need to complete Lab#1 - Due next week✔👀😃✨

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Welcome to Class! - Start @ computers, please

  • please continue to work on Lesson 1 for the first part of the class
  • quick presentation & code demo by Mrs. LaMarche 
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today"


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Welcome to Class! - Mrs  LaMarche is in meetings

  • Continue from yesterday:
  • GOT FULL  POINTS!?!   Please review the  as a guide to ensure you are meeting ALL requirements for each of your lessons.
  • Create your Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 pages in your portfolio by duplicating and modifying Lesson Zero
    • Be sure to preview - new key terms/questions by defining and answering each question from the example page
    • EXAMPLE: HTML Element An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and an end tag, with the content inserted in between (W3C Schools), (freecodecamp). 
    • Be sure to preview new parts of code  - spend some time working in the "TRY IT" section
    • EXAMPLE: <b> - defines bold text format tags (W3C) (TRY IT)
    • Be sure to create a new workspace in replit for Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 - associate those new workspaces with each lesson respectively

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Welcome to Class! - Quick Watch -  stop @ min 8:30

  • discussion on Tim Berners Lee - continued info for [Lab#1]
  • move into S3 for worktime
  • Create your Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 pages in your portfolio by duplicating and modifying Lesson Zero
  • Be sure to preview - new key terms/questions by defining and answering each question from the example page
    • EXAMPLE: HTML Element An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and an end tag, with the content inserted in between (W3C Schools), (freecodecamp). 
  • Be sure to preview new parts of code  - spend some time working in the "TRY IT" section
    • EXAMPLE: <b> - defines bold text format tags (W3C) (TRY IT)
  • Be sure to create a new workspace in replit for Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 - associate those new workspaces with each lesson respectively

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Welcome to Class!  Please start @ the computers. Create your wk 5 section of your "What I Did Today"

  • Cycle over to FCC
  • Work on creating Lesson #1
  • Or Learn more about the start of Lab #1 Tim Berners Less

Former physicist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World-Wide Web as an essential tool for High Energy Physics (HEP) at CERN from 1989 to 1994. Together with a small team he conceived HTML, http, URLs, and put up the first server and the first wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) browser and html editor. Tim is now Director of the Web Consortium W3C, the International Web standards body based at INRIA, MIT and Keio University.

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Week 4 | January 22nd - January 26th

Welcome to Class!! - Happy Friday!

  • We are also getting ready to Stream the TED TALKS today
  • REMINDER Lesson Zero needs to be completed by TODAY!
  • GOT FULL  POINTS!?!   Please review the  as a guide to ensure you are meeting ALL requirements for each of your lessons.
  • Once you have completed Lesson Zero, please cycle over to FCC. Our goal is to receive your Responsive Web Design Certification by the end of the Semester.
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio, all the great progress you are making.


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Welcome to Class!  Please start in the ROBOTICS room.  Where did the Internet Come From?  What is a Lab?

  • Quick discussion on THE EVOLUTION of the Internet
  • Quick Discussion - What is a Lab?
    • Please create your Labs Page | See Example
    • Make a copy of Lab #1 and share the Google doc back with Mrs. LaMarche (lamarchesa@tfsd.org)
    • insert a new 4 x 1 Layout
    • Create a new button and associate YOUR copy of the lab

  • Please add a picture of an appropriate thumbnail to the new section on the new LAB you have created
  • Cycle over to FCC as needed.




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Welcome to Class!! Please Start @ the computers. Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche.  

  • Lesson Zero needs to be completed by Friday, 1/26
  • GOT FULL  POINTS!?!   Please review the  as a guide to ensure you are meeting ALL requirements for each of your lessons.
  • Once you have completed Lesson Zero, please cycle over to FCC. Our goal is to receive your Responsive Web Design Certification by the end of the Semester.
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio, all the great progress you are making.

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Welcome to Class! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche. She is at a VERY important meeting! 

  • Lesson Zero needs to be completed by Friday, 1/26
  • GOT FULL  POINTS!?!   Please review the as a guide to ensure you are meeting all requirements for each of your lessons.
  • Once you have completed Lesson Zero, please cycle over to FCC. Our goal is to receive your Responsive Web Design Certification by the end of the Semester.
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out, in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio, all the great progress you are making.



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Welcome to Class! - Please start @ the computers!

  • Create your WEEK 4 "What I did Today"  Section to include accurate dates.
  • Check out the EXAMPLE PORTFOLIO as needed.  Try to keep the MOST CURRENT week at the top of the page. It is also nice to rotate between colors to keep each week modular and easy to rotate to the top.
  • You may either choose to work on Lesson Zero OR cycle over to FCC. Our goal is to receive your Responsive Web Design Certification by the end of the Semester.
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio all the great progress you are making

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Week 3 | January 15th - January 19th

Welcome to class!  - What is a code editor? What is an IDE? What IDE do we use for this class?

  • Please start in the robotics/ Esports room
  • A quick introduction to Editors/ IDEs
  • Continue to work on Lesson Zero
  • Cycle over to FCC
  • Today, AND EVERY DAY, be sure to share out in your "What I Did Today" section of your portfolio.
  • To better understand how to receive FULL POINTS on your "What I Did Today" section, please review our RUBRIC

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Welcome to class!! Please start @ the Tables. 

  • Today please make your Lesson ZERO page.
  • Think of the lessons as a TEST. I know tests can be a Scary word.  Lessons are a way I can see how you can build code from scratch and answer questions specific to your work spaces.
  • Each lesson has a RUBRIC that breaks down the point total for each lesson
  • Please use this  as a guide to ensure you are meeting all requirements for each of your lessons
  • Once you have set up Lesson Zero, please cycle over to FCC. Remember, you are required to complete all FCC lessons by the end of the semester to receive your FCC certificate.
  • We will continue to talk about how to construct Lesson Zero, including our code workspace in replit.com for the next few days.

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Welcome to Class! - Please start @ the computers!

  • Today, even though it is Tuesday, we will start the week at the computers to create your week 3 log | SEE EXAMPLE
  • Make sure you add your Snows Days from Last Friday and Monday (Yesterday) as entries in your "What I Did Today".  Feel free to share any snowman or other fun activities you were up to while we were out of school.
  • Once you have created your entries please cycle over to FCC and continue where you left off last Thursday!
  • Mrs. LaMarche will be working on equipment inventory. THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT!

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Week 2 | January 8th - January 12th

Welcome to class!!  Please Start @ the Computers 

  • Please continue with your FCC progress
  • Today, as always, write in your "What I Did Today" section of your portfolio.
  • Be sure to also link to your FCC Profile Progress and include one thing you learned, something that was confusing or interesting today.


How the inventor of the web plans to make it safe and accessible for  everyone | World Economic Forum

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Welcome to class!  Please start @ the Computers in S3

  • I sure hope everyone traveled safely to class! It's quite the SNOWY MORNING! ❄❄❄❄❄
  • Please continue from yesterday on FCC
  • Write in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio. Be sure to include your link to your FCC progress along with a specific takeaway. This might be a new thing you learned or something you found confusing.
  • It's ok to listen to music if it helps you concentrate
  • Just a friendly reminder NO PHONES and NO GAMES please.



Employability skills, often referred to as Workplace or Career Readiness skills, have for many years been a recognizable component of standards and curriculum in all career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Workplace Readiness Standards are designed to ensure students graduate from high school properly prepared with skills employers prioritize as the most important. The standards provide a means through which students may acquire and exhibit leadership qualities, as leadership development principles are embedded in most, if not all, of the standards.

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Welcome to Class! Quick Discussion on Re-Work & Just Ask!

Class discussion:

  • Restroom & Hall Pass Logistics
  • High paying certs
  • Be sure to make your FCC profile PUBLIC so Mrs. LaMarche and future employers can see your greatness and help as needed with progress.
  • Continue to work on FCC and your portfolio as needed



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Welcome to Class!  

Please take a quick moment to review last week, listed below, to ensure you have completed all assignments and tasks so far this semester.

Today, we will add another VERY critical portion of your portfolio. This next section of your portfolio is how you will provide proof daily of what you are working on in class.  This section is called "What I Did Today". If you click -->  HERE you will find an example of what your "What I Did Today" section might look like.

To create the "What I Did Today" section you will need to create a new page in your Google Sites portfolio by selecting "Pages" and clicking on the plus sign in the bottom right corner of your portfolio. Name the new page: "What I Did Today".

Each day, you will be able to share what you were able to accomplish, work towards, or explore. It is important to account for 50 min (or regular class period) of your time each day.

If you click --> HERE you can take a look at the formal rubric.  Essentially, this section is worth 5 points EACH DAY. For full points you need to be clear, accurate and provide artifacts and evidence each day.

Think of the "What I did today" section in your portfolio as a TIME CARD.

There are a lot of good and right things you could be doing in class. In Web Development you could be working on a lab, a code lesson, FCC, or you may even be asked to work on the School's Web Site. It's important to share what you work on each day, in your portfolio, as each class member might have a different mission.  You will use your portfolio to PROVE what you know and the "What I did Today" section is just one part of sharing your greatness!!



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Week 1 | January 4th - January 5th

Welcome to Class! 

Today, we are going to create our electronic portfolios. Our electronic portfolios are containers to add all of our assignments.  Think of assignments as artifacts and evidence of what you have learned or what you know how to do. These artifacts and evidence may be assignments, Certifications, projects, or other multi-media material.

To create your portfolio, please go to sites.google.com and create a new Google site.  Make sure to share your Google site with lamarchesa@tfsd.org 

For today we will focus on:

  • Creating your Google site
  • Sharing your Google site with lamarchesa@tfsd.org
  • Creating a two-paragraph biography on your home page
  • adding your "Getting to Know You" survey receipt as your first artifact
  • if you can complete these tasks please cycle back to Free Code Camp (FCC)

You may also find it helpful to view my EXAMPLE portfolio. Take a moment to read my bio on my "about me" page. I know I am excited to read your biography. No "about me" page would be complete without a picture.  You can take a picture at lunch with your cell phone or add one you have access to at home. Oh, and remember that day-one form you filled out? We're going to use that today.  Here are some instructions to add the day one survey artifact to your portfolio.  Feel free to change the theme and make this portfolio your own.

**remember if you finish early with your portfolio tasks** cycle over to work on Free Code Camp. Next class period we will talk about how you log your daily progress in each class.

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WELCOME TO WEB DEVELOPMENT I & II - Please start by clicking on the big blue button below to tell me a little bit about yourself. 

Once you have submitted your response, you will be sent a receipt with your answers via email.  Please make sure you keep this receipt as you will be adding this to your Web Design Portfolio.

While everyone is filling out the DAY 1 form, I will be walking around to make sure everyone is able to sign in to a computer.  Please keep in mind I am teaching two different subjects this class period.  We will need to work together. Please ask if you have questions.  You might consider asking the person next to you if you have a question or you can always use the JUST ASK BUTTON.  Teamwork is the norm in S2.

Upon completion of this form please make an account with freecodecamp.org - log in using your mytfsd.org google account.  Freecodecamp is a way to work at your own pace and ALSO obtain industry certifications recognized by companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and more.  Why do you think tech companies look for certifications on job applications?  Why might you want to include tech certificates on your resume?


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