Welcome to Class! - Quick Watch -  stop @ min 8:30

  • discussion on Tim Berners Lee - continued info for [Lab#1]
  • move into S3 for worktime
  • Create your Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 pages in your portfolio by duplicating and modifying Lesson Zero
  • Be sure to preview - new key terms/questions by defining and answering each question from the example page
    • EXAMPLE: HTML Element An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and an end tag, with the content inserted in between (W3C Schools), (freecodecamp). 
  • Be sure to preview new parts of code  - spend some time working in the "TRY IT" section
    • EXAMPLE: <b> - defines bold text format tags (W3C) (TRY IT)
  • Be sure to create a new workspace in replit for Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 - associate those new workspaces with each lesson respectively