Welcome to class!  Please start @ the Computers in S3

  • I sure hope everyone traveled safely to class! It's quite the SNOWY MORNING! ❄❄❄❄❄
  • Please continue from yesterday on FCC
  • Write in your "What I did Today" section of your portfolio. Be sure to include your link to your FCC progress along with a specific takeaway. This might be a new thing you learned or something you found confusing.
  • It's ok to listen to music if it helps you concentrate
  • Just a friendly reminder NO PHONES and NO GAMES please.



Employability skills, often referred to as Workplace or Career Readiness skills, have for many years been a recognizable component of standards and curriculum in all career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Workplace Readiness Standards are designed to ensure students graduate from high school properly prepared with skills employers prioritize as the most important. The standards provide a means through which students may acquire and exhibit leadership qualities, as leadership development principles are embedded in most, if not all, of the standards.